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Hannah Maneck (she/her) works as a freelance theatre, dance and sex educator in Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt. She studied Applied Theatre Studies at the University of Giessen until 2019 and Applied Sexology at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences until 2024.

Her focus is on the artistic-performative accompaniment of transformation processes in society as a whole. To this end, she uses strategies from political education, dance, performance art and spoken theatre. She likes it analogue and playful, appreciates criticism, open exchange and resource-saving work.

In addition to her independent and socio-cultural art projects, she has worked as a performing arts director at the Riccarda Huch Comprehensive School in Giessen and as a theatre educator at the Eisleben Theatre in 2020/21. She speaks English well and is currently learning German sign language
German sign language (DGS).

She is a member of LanZe e.V. and the Leipzig cultural association Aktionsgesellschaft Artes Mobiles e.V.

I am open to enquiries as an actress or performer.

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