Landeszentrum Freies Theater Sachsen-Anhalt e. V.


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Licensed under All rights reserved

LanZe is partner and impulse giver, network office and representation of interests and consultant. LanZe is an association, project office and training center.  

LanZe is the only federal association combining the fields of stakeholders of the independent performing arts, amateur theater, theatre and education in and outside of educational institutions - with a special interest in the target group of children and teens.  

As a project office, LanZe manages such projects, which serve the mediation, networking and consolidation of all stakeholders associated with the federal association. We are constantly working to improve the working conditions for the performing arts. As a center for further education and training, LanZe promotes the professionalization of the independent theater scene in Saxony-Anhalt.  

Our goal is to strengthen all Stakeholders who are members of the association.  

We are a recognized training institute for the basic training in theatre education of the Bundesverband Theaterpädagogik e. V. (Federal Association for Theatreeducation), we supervise the federal projects KLaTSch! (cooperation program between independent theaters and schools) and TaSS (touring-program at schools in rural areas), and we are the organizers of the annual STT (Festival of theatre made by children and teens) as well as the project "Trau Dich!".

We provide professional advice to the federal government as well as to the stakeholders of the independent scene of performing arts. In addition, we offer our members an extensive range of services, from increased visibility through advertisement in the catalog of touring performances up to technical rental.  

LanZe stands for a democratic, diversity-sensitive concept of culture that supports the multiplicity of artistic forms of expression. We are committed to ensuring that the performing arts are a part of everyday life and are not accessible only to a few as high culture.

Music theatre, Musicals and Shows
Puppetry & object theater
Theater for young audiences
political satire, comedy, Impro and short formats
Theater in public space
Contemporary circus
Other and interdisciplinary
Secondary school children
Primary school children
Pre-school children
Special education schools


Active since

Brandenburger Straße 9
39104 Magdeburg

Address location
Interview info chart

MACHT Theater - Theater in Schulen

Warum es Vermittlungsprojekte zwischen Freier Szene und Schule braucht


Kultur beschäftigt uns täglich. Jeden von uns. Ob Musik, Serien, Plakate, Games oder Bücher. Die Verortung in der eigenen Lebensrealität und das emotionale Anknüpfen an Kunst, allein das ist schon ein Teil von kultureller Bildung. Die Schule ist prägender Erfahrungs- und Lebensort für alle Kinder...


Angela Mund

Theater für alle!

Bildungsreferentin Fort- und Weiterbildung

Betty Magel

Theater Vielfalt Stärken

Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Netzwerke

Maria Gebhardt

Anfragen von Akteur:innen haben immer Vorrang.
